International Trade Division

Welcome to Priwish Enterprises - Export Division

Meet our team of key personnel who are responsible for managing, negotiating, communicating, and making crucial decisions for both commercial and technical evaluations in order to finalize and close bulk quantity deals. With their expertise and dedication, they ensure that all aspects of the deal are carefully considered and that our clients receive the best possible outcome. From analyzing market trends to assessing technical specifications, our team works tirelessly to ensure that every deal is successful and mutually beneficial for all parties involved. Their commitment to excellence and attention to detail make them invaluable assets to our organization, and we are proud to have them leading the way in our business endeavors.

Our Major International Products

ICUMSA 45 sugar

PRWISH Enterprises specializes in dealing and exporting all types of sugar, with a major focus on ICUMSA 45 sugar.

Export Quality Rice

Our second major product of export is rice, and we offer all types of rice both domestically and internationally.

We specialize in basmati rice of Indian Origin:

Energy products 

We specialize in providing a wide range of energy products, including EN590 and LNG. Our company is known for dealing with all types of energy products, but our major focus is on EN590 and LNG...

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